4-2-25 私学会館別館11階
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What is the National Association of Vocational Schools in Japan? |
The National Association of Vocational Schools in Japan is an organization that was preceded by the National Association of Schools in Japan (established May 28, 1958), which was a united association of the various school organizations throughout Japan. In light of the partial revision to the School Education Act enacted on July 11, 1975 and subsequent enforcement of the Standards for the Establishment of Vocational Schools (which came into effect on January 11, 1976), on June 28, 1976 the association changed its name to National Association of Vocational Schools in Japan.
About the organization
The Association is an organization of various prefectural associations, which comprise vocational and other schools around Japan.
About our objectives
The Association’s objective is to promote education at vocational schools and other schools in Japan.
About our operations
In order to achieve its objective, the Association engages in the following operations:
1. Programs that contribute to improving the standing of vocational schools and other schools.
2. Lobbying and negotiating with relevant government agencies and the National Diet
3. Cooperating in the running of the Association for Technical and Career Education
4. Communicating and holding negotiations with various relevant organizations
5. Information gathering and research/studies into various relevant information
6. Issuing of promotional PR newsletters and other documents, etc.